Don’t worry, we’ll keep you up to date. As soon as your order is placed, we’ll send you a confirmation email detailing what you ordered. You’ll then get an email when your order ships (which will contain the relevant tracking information), another one when it is out for delivery, and a final one when it has been delivered. You can also sign into your account to see the status of your order anytime. Click here to sign in.
Since order processing is automated, we cannot modify or cancel any order, so please be sure to check your order carefully before submitting it. Our return policy can be found here.
4-6 business day delivery after shipping to a physical address or PO Box in the contiguous US, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands is FREE for all orders of $75 or more and only $8 for orders less than $75. Of course, if you can’t wait that long for your Yummies (we don’t blame you), there are speedier options available, with significantly discounted rates for orders of $75 or more. Delivery time does NOT include 1-2 business day processing time before shipping. Learn more here.
Worldwide: 10-18 business day delivery after shipping to a physical address or PO Box. A notice will be displayed upon checkout if duties and taxes are included or will be charged upon delivery. Learn more here.

The tracking email you will receive will be from our warehouse to our 3rd party shipper. Once you get that tracking, please reach out to customercare@yummie.com and we’ll provide you with your tracking information from the 3rd party shipper to you.
If you're not absolutely in love with your Yummie purchase (it’s OK, it happens), you can return or exchange it within 30 days of shipment. It's easy. Just go to our 24/7 returns portal to obtain a return form and prepaid return label. You then simply drop your return package in your mailbox or bring it to your local post office. Get your prepaid label here.

— An $8.00 return shipping fee will be deducted from your refund or exchange.
— If return your purchase for a yummie gift card rather than a refund yummie will waive the return shipping
— Exchanges are free! If you return for an exchange, you will not be charged for return shipping.
— Returned or exchanged items must be new, unworn, unwashed, undamaged, and the original tags must be attached.
— Returns or exchanges must be sent back within 30 days of the shipping date.
— Exchanges can only be made for a different size or color.
— FINAL SALE items can NOT be returned or exchanged. Final Sale is clearly marked on each product page, at check out and on your order confirmation.
— We do NOT accept items purchased from any other retailer besides yummie.com.
— We’re sorry, but international customers are responsible to return using their own shipping method. Unfortunately, we cannot process exchanges for international orders
— Delivery and return shipping charges are NOT refundable.
— For more information on returning or exchanging an item(s), visit our returns portal.
Once your return is received, it can take up to 7 business days for it to be inspected and processed. We’ll send you an email once the process is complete that confirms your refund. It may take up to 2 billing cycles for your refund to appear, depending on your bank/credit card. The refund will be issued back to your original payment method. Gift cards will be issued (if applicable) within 7 business days of your return being received. For security purposes we do not have access to your payment information.

If you placed an order using Zip or PayPal, Yummie does not have access to Zip or PayPal accounts. If you have additional questions, please contact Zip and/or PayPal customer service directly by visiting their Help Centers. You can locate their Help Centers here:

Zip® Support

PayPal® Support

We'll send you an email to confirm that your return has been processed and your refund has been issued. Look out for an email with the subject line “Your Order Has Been Refunded.”
Contact our Customer Service Team directly at 888.986.6438 or email them at customercare@yummie.com. Please include pictures of your defective items if sending an email. Our hours are 9am to 6pm ET Monday through Friday. If you reach our voicemail or email us, please provide your order number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and Zip®. You can also use a Yummie E-Gift Card or PayPal® to order from us. Please note that we don't accept money orders, personal checks, COD, or credit cards issued by companies located outside the US or Canada, or with billing addresses outside of the US or Canada. We do not accept prepaid bank/credit cards, sometimes known as bank gift cards.
Very simply. Using a credit card or debit card, you make 4 equal, interest free payments and receive your purchase at once. The first payment is made when you purchase and the next three are 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 6 weeks after you purchase. Learn more here.
PayPal® is a secure way to send payments over the Internet. You'll need a PayPal® account to use this payment method. Learn more at the PayPal® website.
Yes, you certainly can! Our e-gift cards make for the perfect present for friends, family and even yourself! You can easily purchase them online. Choose the e-gift card amount ($10, $25, $50, or $100) and add it to your cart. You will receive the e-gift card in your own personal email inbox within 4 hours of your purchase. You can then forward the email to or print it out for your lucky friend, relative or yourself. Get an e-gift card here!
Our gift cards are issued online, which makes them super safe and secure! Yummie gift cards are activated immediately upon credit approval, and they are only redeemable at yummie.com for items shipped in the US and Canada. If you’ve received a Yummie gift card from a friend or relative, if you’ve decided to give yourself a well-deserved gift, or if we’ve given you a gift as one of our most valuable customers, simply enter your gift card information at checkout, select “Apply,” and the gift card amount will be applied to your order. If you return an item purchased with a gift card, the refund will go back to your gift card, so you’ll want to keep that gift card number handy. If you want to check the balance of your gift card, you can click on the gift card email at any time to view the updated balance. Instead, you can simply contact our Customer Service Team directly at 888.986.6438 or email them at customercare@yummie.com for gift card assistance. Our hours are 9am to 6pm ET Monday through Friday. If you reach our voicemail or email us, please provide your gift card number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
As long as you have saved the email that you were sent with your gift card number, you can easily check the balance of your gift card at any time. Simply click on the link in that email and it will take you to the gift card and will show the current balance. You can also contact our Customer Service Team directly at 888.986.6438 or email them at customercare@yummie.com for gift card assistance. Our hours are 9am to 6pm ET Monday through Friday. If you reach our voicemail or email us, please provide your gift card number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, we sometimes run out of popular styles because we just can’t keep up with the demand! But don’t worry, we’re always restocking our tried and true basics, and we’re always making sure that you’re the first to know. Simply sign up for back in stock email notifications when any desired style or color is out of stock. Once you select your desired color and size, you will be able to enter your email address. As soon as we are back in stock, we will send you an email to let you know it’s go-time! If a style or color will not be restocked, out of stock sizes will be removed from the website until the entire style is sold out.
Sorry, we do not offer rain checks (a promise for the same price at a later date) for out of stock items.
We do our best to make sure that all of our stock is accurately accounted for, but sometimes there is an error. If you ordered a Yummie item that is in fact out of stock, we will send an email letting you know that your order will be short shipped, and you will not be charged for it. Unfortunately, we are not able to hold your order and wait for any item not available. If you still want a style or color once it is available, just sign up for the back in stock email referred to above.
We sure do! Yummie runs sales and discounts at different times throughout the year. If you sign up for our email newsletters, you’ll never, ever miss them. Some important details to note:
— Offers can only be used for one transaction per customer unless otherwise stated.
— We may cancel or modify a promotion, discount, or coupon at any time.
— Discounts cannot be combined with other promotions, free product, coupons, or giveaways.
— Raffle or giveaway items have no cash value and are not available for exchange.
— Promotions are not retroactive. Discounts cannot be applied to previous orders.
It’s easy! Simply enter your promotion code in the discount field during checkout, select “Apply” and the discount will be applied to your order.
Sorry, but no. You can only use 1 discount code per order. However, you can use a discount code in conjunction with a gift card.
Again, sorry, but no. Discounts cannot be applied to past orders. We hope you can understand!
You sure can! If you have a store and would like to inquire about starting a wholesale account with us, please submit a form here.
We’re excited to work with you!
We’re flattered and delighted you want to write about us! If you have a media request, please submit a form here.
Contact our Customer Service Team directly at 888.986.6438 or email us at customercare@yummie.com. Our hours are 9am to 6pm ET Monday through Friday. If you reach our voicemail or email us, please provide your order number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.